Virtual Dissection For A&P Blended Learning Programs

The Anatomage Table is the most technologically advanced 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education and is being adopted by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions. Its versatility makes it an invaluable tool for both on-site and online learning, fostering students’ attention and engagement. It has been featured in the TEDTalks Conference, PBS, Fuji TV, and numerous other journals for its innovative approach to digital anatomy presentation. The operating table form factor combined with Anatomage’s renowned radiology software and clinical content separates the Anatomage Table from any other imaging system on the market.

The latest software version, Table 8, pushes the boundaries of virtual dissection like never before. Click here to know more.

Highly Accurate Real Anatomy

The Anatomage Table is the only fully segmented real human 1:1 life-size 3D anatomy system. Users can visualize anatomy exactly as they would on a fresh cadaver. Individual structures are reconstructed in 3D, resulting in an unprecedented level of real, accurate, dissectible anatomy. The Table allows for exploration and learning of human anatomy and physiology beyond what any traditional learning method can offer.

Flexible Effective Education Tool

The Anatomage Table-based education is proven to be effective. Growing publications show improved test scores, more efficient class and lab sessions, and overall student acceptance. The Table enables students to interact with young and well-preserved digital cadavers. The accurate details and rich content draw students’ attention, captivate their interest and engage them, leading to more effective educational outcomes both on-site and online.

Enhance Your Institution Standard

The Anatomage Table is premier advanced technology available for your institution. Students, parents, alumni, and visitors will be impressed with the presence and visual impact of the Table.
Accurate reconstructions, multiple data sources and unique physiological processes revive the cadavers along with extraordinary and useful visuals. This system will set your institution as the technology leader in your community.

Plymouth University

The Anatomage Tables are used by students in small-group teaching, formative assessments, student-led clinical anatomy talks, and outside of teaching sessions. During virtual dissections, subgroups of 5-6 students take turns in roles such as “the reader”, “the dissector”, and “the questioners” to help them make the most of the system. “Students enjoy building a structure or region, as they feel they gain understanding by adding complexity rather than dissecting away.” – Dr S. Moyes, Lead in Anatomy.

Manchester Metropolitan University

Small groups of students run various practical sessions on the Anatomage Tables aimed to explore the structure of organs, to make practice before real tissue dissection, or to undertake a virtual operation. The Table contents are also useful for lecture material preparation. “Screenshots and videos of organs and histological sections are excellent” – Dr G. Evans, Principal Lecturer In Healthcare Science.

University of Central Lancashire

In an advancing digital culture, innovative methods to teach 3D anatomy are paramount. At the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), the Anatomage Table is used at the frontline of blended learning for undergraduate medical students. This technological system represents a cost‐effective solution for medical schools without the facilities for cadaveric dissection. Staff and students also feel the Anatomage virtual dissection Table mirrors one of the most frequent modalities through which doctors are now exposed to anatomy: digital imaging.

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