Since its beginning in 2004, Anatomage has continuously dedicated itself to developing and innovating medical imaging technology. Our innovations in volumetric visualization, 3D image segmentation, surgical planning, and simulation have laid the foundation for the company’s core technologies. To keep up with the ever-changing healthcare market needs, Anatomage’s software team has been striving to put forward the most cutting-edge technology solutions.  As a leader in both the healthcare and education industries, we set the standards through each and every product we release.


Medical image segmentation is a challenging task in medical researches. No magic wand can be waved to ensure that a segmentation algorithm can accurately identify the pixels of an organ. Each patient case – given its corresponding pathology, anatomical structures, and image types – requires a different segmentation technique and approach.

Our rich history of segmenting anatomical structures can be traced back much further to 2004. Since then, Anatomage has segmented more than 2 million anatomical structures from 3D volumetric images. Deeply set in the field for years, we have established our unique infrastructure, which consists of our software tools and systems that allow for the most accurate and efficient 3D segmentation process. And the Anatomage’s accurate real human data has been built upon such process.


We are the only company that provides the most comprehensive real human anatomical maps. Standing out in a crowd of many 3D human anatomy models, our digital body assets are at a different level. Anatomage’s digital bodies capture real organs and vascular connections. Their entire vascular, arteries and vein structures are intricately traced and fully connected, establishing a full nerve distribution. Our present digital bodies have achieved the highest level of detail and comprehensiveness – which is accomplished using our finest segmentation system.

Other products in the current market are not comparable to the quality of the products we released seven years ago. We believe that our accurate anatomical map will be vital to medical device developments, scientific research as well as educations.


Beyond the accurate real anatomical maps, Anatomage has now furthered its technology to introduce physiology functions to cadavers. The recent launch of our simulated heart motion and other human body functions has kicked off this effort. Even though it’s challenging to simulate human physiology, we are up to this mission.

Through our relentless dedication to the industry, Anatomage is dashing towards building the world’s most accurate and comprehensive digital human data.

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