News Coverage
Latest News
Explore how schools are integrating Anatomage Tables into their programs.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology
TCAT Dickson Purchases Virtual Dissection Table for Clarksville Campus with Grant Funds

Students at Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Dickson will start using Anatomage Tables in their healthcare classes.
University of Illinois Springfield
UIS Unveils Two New High-Tech Anatomage Tables Donated by Memorial Health

The University of Illinois Springfield and UIC College of Nursing announced two new Anatomage Tables, donated by Memorial Health.

Idaho State University
Leading Healthcare Education with Innovation: New Portable Anatomage Table

Idaho State University's College of Technology has introduced a new portable Anatomage Table Clinical.
Missouri Southern State University
Advanced Anatomage Table Arrives at MSSU
Missouri Southern State University added an advanced Anatomage Table to its cadaver lab.

Anatomage Tournament
Media coverage of the Anatomage Tournament.

National Anatomage Tournament
Washington County Students Win Big with Top Finishes at National Anatomy Tournament

One team from Washington County Public Schools placed 4th, and another made the Top 16 at the 2024 National Anatomage Tournament.
HOSA Anatomage Tournament

Four students from Smith-Cotton High School's HOSA Chapter won first place in the statewide HOSA Anatomage Tournament.

Key Publications
- Fostering Engagement in Virtual Anatomy Learning for Healthcare Students
- Student-Led Curricular Development in the Biomedical Science Master’s Program Using Virtual Dissection
- The Anatomage Table: A Promising Alternative in Anatomy Education
- The use of the Anatomage Table for improving forensic odontology education and training