Anatomage Webinars

Anatomage webinars are informative sessions designed to help users effectively utilize our technology. These webinars cover a range of topics, from basic product tutorials to advanced applications in clinical and educational settings.

Explore Upcoming Webinar Sessions

Science in Action: Comprehensive Learning Solutions for STEM Education

  • Speaker: Zach Bryant
  • Detail: Join us for a webinar where Zach Bryant, Anatomage’s Lessons Content Lead, will guide attendees through the educational applications of the Science Table by Anatomage. Zach will offer insights on how to effectively integrate these innovative tools into a STEM classroom.
  • Timing: June 18, 2024 at 2pm PT
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Integrating the Table Across Varied Curricular Environments and Student Cohorts

  • Speaker: Dr. Erica Ausel
  • Detail: This webinar will explore how the Anatomage Table was integrated into various curricula at a Midwestern health professions college. Covering cohorts from high school to biomedical, nursing, and physician programs, Dr. Erica Ausel from Marian University will share her experiences incorporating the tool into classrooms, student research, and initiatives to spark interest in medicine. Learn from both the challenges and successes of this journey.
  • Timing: June 24, 2024 at 2pm ET
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