White Papers

White Papers

Our white papers explore the transformative impact of Anatomage’s technology on the healthcare industry and highlights our contributions to thought leadership.

White Papers

Our white papers explore the transformative impact of Anatomage on the healthcare industry and highlights our contributions to thought leadership.

Empowering Ideas

Download our white papers to discover insights, case studies, and expert perspectives on how Anatomage advances medical knowledge and practice.

Anatomage Table

Conceptualize the Most Challenging A&P Topics

Did you know that 1 in 3 students either fail or withdraw from their Anatomy and Physiology introductory course? Find out how 3D modeling and simulation can help students study and learn difficult anatomy concepts.

Anatomage Lessons

Reducing Attrition Rates in A&P Courses

Every year, over 50% of undergraduates drop out of the Human Anatomy and Physiology course because of failing grades. Research suggests that flipped learning can make a difference. Explore how flipped learning can improve outcomes.

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