Patient Communications

Enhancing Patient Communications

Problem identification

Poor Communication Creates Medical Barriers

Medical jargon often creates significant barriers for patients. The complex terminology can be confusing and intimidating. This may lead to misunderstandings about diagnoses, treatment options, and advice.

Anatomage's Solutions

Communication: The Heart of Patient Care

Anatomage Table simplifies medical jargon, making patient communications more streamlined. Using 3D visualizations and interactive digitized cadavers, Anatomage presents complex anatomy in a clear, visual format. This approach aids doctors in explaining medical conditions to patients without relying heavily on technical terms.

Reducing Jargon.
Anatomage platforms produce accurate 3D visualizations of patient DICOM images. This allows patients to understand their conditions without medical terminology.
Increase Confidence.
The Anatomage Table offers advanced clinical procedure simulation tools, allowing doctors to clearly demonstrate treatment planning to patients.
Patients as Partners.
The multi-touch platform allows patients to interact directly with their medical scans. This interactive experience makes patients feel more involved in their treatment plans, fostering stronger patient-doctor relationships.

Explore Our Offerings

Anatomage Table

Reduce Medical Jargon

The Anatomage Table transforms complex medical terminology into intuitive visuals, helping patients better understand their conditions.

Anatomage Bodies clearly label important structures and organs, providing concise information without complex terminology.
Pathology Visualization.
The Anatomage Table visualizes various medical conditions in 3D, allowing patients to see exactly what is happening inside their bodies.
Multilingual Support.
The Table supports multiple languages, allowing explanations and labels in the user’s preferred language.

Anatomage Table

Boost Patient Confidence

The Anatomage Table can significantly increase patient confidence through various means:

Doctors render patient scans in 3D, enabling patients to see detailed visualizations of pathological anatomy.
Procedural Simulation.
Patients can visualize procedures to understand what to expect during diagnostic tests.
Pathology References.
The platform features a library of real patient scans that doctors and patients can use as clinical references.

Anatomage Table

Patients as Partners

The Anatomage Table provides tools that actively engage patients in the decision-making process. Its interactive capabilities actively engage patients in their care. They feel involved and valued in the decision-making process.

Interactive Touchscreen.
Interactive displays let patients engage with their pathology through detailed 3D models. They can zoom in, rotate, and explore affected areas, making it easier to see and understand their condition.
Personalized Treatment Plans.
Using the Anatomage Table, doctors can show patients their specific anatomy and condition, tailoring discussions and treatment plans to their unique needs.

Versatile Formats for Various Settings

Anatomage Table

The Anatomage Table is available in two formats: classic and convertible. The convertible model can function as a horizontal table for interactive dissections or as a vertical display for presentations and group learning.

Anatomage Table Clinical

The Anatomage Table Clinical offers the same functionalities as the Anatomage Table but in a more compact size, making it ideal for space-constrained environment.

Choose Your Institution Type

K-12 Education

Undergraduate Healthcare

Medical Schools

Medical and Simulation Centers

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