Offline Update Instructions
If you are unable to connect your Anatomage Table to the internet or have a network with particularly strict security measures in place, download the installer files from Google Drive onto your own USB.
If you are unable to connect your Anatomage Table to the internet or have a network with particularly strict security measures in place, download the installer files from Google Drive onto your own USB.
If you have issues with the Google Drive instructions, you can also request a USB with the installer files. Please note this option is the slowest method to update your Anatomage Table and may take up to 3 weeks to complete.
Yes, the update is free whether you are updating from TableEDU 10 or any previous TableEDU version.
Since Anatomage has discontinued the Alpha Table, the latest Table 11 update is now available only on the Clinical, Standard, and Convertible models. However, we’re offering special pricing for Alpha Table customers interested in upgrading to the Clinical model, which includes the latest Table 11 update! Please reach out to your sales rep for an upgrade quote or email [email protected] for more details.
Anatomage recommends a GPU of RTX 2070 or newer which applies to most units shipped after 2018.