Anatomage Table EDU 10 Update

To request the Table EDU 10 update, select one of the following options.

Online Request

Select ONLINE if you can connect your Table to the internet for the duration of the update and would like an installer link emailed to you.


Offline Request

Select OFFLINE if you cannot connect your Table to the internet and would like an offline installer USB shipped to you.



Is the update to Table EDU 10 free?

Yes, the update is free whether you are updating from Table EDU 9 or from a previous version as long as your hardware is compatible.

What are the minimum hardware requirements for the update to Table EDU 10?

The recommended GPU is RTX 1070 or higher which applies to most units shipped after 2016.

I have TableAlpha on my unit. Is this the same as Table EDU?

Table EDU and Table Alpha are different versions of the Table software. The Table 10 update for Table Alpha is available here.